Tagalog mass bonds Filipino community

Tagalog mass bonds Filipino community

By JODEAL CADACIO - North Shore Times
Last updated 05:00 27/08/2009


A Catholic mass in Takapuna is keeping the big Filipino community on the North Shore closely knit.

The mass at St Joseph’s Church on Dominion St celebrated in Tagalog, the dominant dialect in the Philippines, is held every fourth Sunday of the month at 4pm.

North Shore Filipino Community chairman Roberto Ricacho says the mass also provides a venue for Filipino families to get together and be connected.

A driving force behind the initiative is Filipino parish chaplain Father Ruben Elago who has been reaching out to the community.

"It would be good to see North Shore Filipinos gathering as one community on this occasion in the spirit of promoting unity and well-being," Mr Ricacho says.

There are about 30,000 Filipinos in New Zealand and more than 10,000 of them have made the North Shore their home.

Catholic groups, civic organisations and the general public are invited to attend the monthly Tagalog mass.

Refreshments will follow the mass at St Joseph’s Hall.
